Uniform Guidelines

  • Kindy Uniform List

  • Pre-Primary to Year 6 Sport Uniform List

  • Year 3-6 Summer Uniform List

  • Year 3-6 Winter Uniform List

  • Hats

ORANA CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Uniform and Dress Code Guidelines 

1. Rationale

The Orana Catholic Primary School uniform is a symbol of our school’s identity. Students wearing the correct uniform neatly and proudly raises their self-image, contributing to a positive and inclusive school culture. Consistency in a dress code promotes a sense of belonging to a cohesive learning environment. High expectations in standards of dress in the learning environment is important for student growth.

2. Scope

These guidelines apply to all Orana Catholic Primary School students. It is an expectation that all students, with the support of their parents and carers, will wear the uniform correctly and closely follow the presentation guidelines.

3. Principles

The school uniform will: 

-be functional and comfortable.  

-be accessible, of good quality and economical.  

-promote equity and a sense of belonging in the school community.  

-ethically produced and sustainably re-used. 

4. Enrolment Agreement 

Parents and Carers agree to follow the Uniform and Dress Code Guidelines as part of the enrolment process. This agreement includes complying with the standards of personal presentation outlined below.  

5. Personal Presentation 

When wearing the Orana school uniform, students are expected to be well-groomed and presentable, including when travelling to and from school and at school events.  

General Expectations:  

  • All students are expected to meet the Uniform and Dress Code Guidelines standards unless the school leadership team has granted an exception, or the parents have provided communication to the class teacher (for short-term constraints).  
  • Students must wear the full school uniform correctly, not part of or mixing formal and sports uniforms.  
  • Jumpers are to be placed in bags and not tied on the body.  
  • The formal shirt can be worn out at appropriate times; it must be tucked in for formal occasions (e.g. Mass, Performing Arts). Shirts are not to be visible lower than the jumper hem.  
  • Formal trousers and shorts are unisex items.  
  • Under garments should not be visible; short-sleeved under garments may be worn under shirts and polos. 
  • Long-sleeved undershirts and leggings are not part of the school uniform.  
  • Year 3-6 students must wear navy sport/lycra pants/bloomers/bike shorts/shorties under the formal winter skirt and summer dress for dignity and ease of movement, when participating in active play and learning. These under garments are not to be visible / longer than the skirt/dress hem.   
  • The hems of skirts and dresses should be approximately knee length.  
  • All uniform items must be clearly labelled. 
  • Modest and practical swimming attire must be worn for lessons and carnivals (e.g. board shorts, trunks, rash vests, one-piece bathers). Bikinis and speedos are not permitted. 

Footwear Expectations: 

Formal School Shoes 

  • Plain black leather lace-up, velcro or buckle (Mary-Janes) shoes are permitted (traditional soles only). 
  • Canvas, suede, skate or sports-style shoes are not classified as formal school shoes and are not to be worn with the formal uniform. 
  • School shoes must be neatly presented and polished.

Acceptable shoes – Leather upper, traditional school shoe style.
Not acceptable – suede, patent, canvas or skate shoe style

Sports Shoes
• Acceptable sports shoes will be blue/white runners or cross-trainer style shoes with plain laces or velcro.
• Multi-colour, fluoro, or skate-style shoes are not permitted.
• Shoes with spikes must not be worn for running events at carnivals.


Acceptable shoes – plain blue and white uppers and soles.

Not acceptable – multi-colour, fluoro or skate style shoes

Socks and Tights
• Students must wear the correct school socks with the formal (navy socks) and sports (white socks) uniform.
• Plain navy tights may be worn with the winter skirt instead of navy socks.

Hair Grooming Expectations:
• Hair longer than the collar must be tied back neatly using simple accessories in school colours only (mid/navy blue, white, uniform material scrunchy, house colours on house uniform days only).
• Hair ties must be small, simple and functional. Hair clips and headbands must be in school colours.
• Hair must be kept off the face.
• Extreme hairstyles are not permitted, including but not limited to head shaving, shaved lines and patterns, Bali style and mermaid braids, colours/beads braided through hair and mohawks.
• Hair must be natural colour only, not dyed.

Jewellery & Make-Up:

• A simple wristwatch is permitted. Smart watches are discouraged; if a smart watch is worn messaging or calling functions must be disabled during the school day. If this setting is not available, the smart watches are not permitted to be worn and will need to be handed into the office for the duration of the school day.
• A fine, simple necklace with a small religious symbol (gold or silver) may be worn under the uniform.
• One set of plain small studs or small sleeper earrings (gold or silver) in the lower lobe of each ear is permitted. For safety reasons, sleepers must be small and sit close to the earlobe. No gemstones or dangling earrings are permitted.
• Jewellery and watches are the student's responsibility and are worn at their own risk.
• No other jewellery, including bracelets, rings or bangles, is permitted except for medical alert bracelets.
• The wearing of nail polish, acrylic nails, make-up, lip gloss, temporary tattoos/body art is not permitted.

• School hats must be worn outside throughout the year. As a sun-safe school, students without a hat will be directed to the undercover/shaded area during breaks.
• The school bag and folio for library/homework use are compulsory items (Kindergarten to Year 6).
• The excursion bag is required for Years 3-6 (optional for Years 1-2).
• The optional rain jacket is to be worn outdoors only and when travelling to and from school only; not to be worn in class. The use of umbrellas is discouraged due to safety reasons.

Year Level Information:
• Pre-Kindergarten – There is no specific uniform requirements. Clothing must be comfortable, sun safe and easy for the child to remove for toileting. Closed in velcro shoes or sandals and a broad-brim hat are required.
• Early Years (Kindergarten – Year 2) students will wear sports uniform daily for comfort and active learning.
-Kindy students wear the Orana polo with the sports uniform.
• Pre-primary - Year 2 students wear Orana polo with sports uniform each Friday.
o Orana polo shirt worn three days per week.
o House polo shirt worn two days per week. (One of the days will coincide with the timetabled senior sport session.)
• Year 3 – 6 students will wear formal uniform two days per week and sports uniforms three days per week as scheduled by classroom teachers.
o Orana polo shirt worn two days per week (one being each Friday). Year 6 students will wear their graduation shirts each Friday.
o House polo shirt worn one day per week, coinciding with the timetabled senior sport session.

6. Protocols

Students will:

  • Wear the uniform correctly and with pride.
  • Be responsible for keeping uniform items in their school bags.

Parents/Carers will:

• Clearly label all uniform items.
• Encourage and support their children in wearing uniforms correctly and complying with the Personal Presentation guidelines.
• Contact the class teacher to explain if part of the uniform cannot be worn that day.
• Contact the leadership team to discuss ongoing difficulty in following the uniform guidelines.

Staff Responsibilities:

• Class teachers are responsible for monitoring and informing students and parents of non-compliance to the Uniform and Dress Code Guidelines.
1. A verbal reminder given to the students (or parents in Early Years).
2. Class teacher will send a uniform reminder using the template on SEQTA and record.
3. Class teacher will contact the parent via phone to discuss non-compliance, determine a solution and offer support if required.
4. Class teacher will refer ongoing non-compliance to the relevant assistant principal, who will then contact the parents.

Leadership Team Member Responsibilities:

1. Ongoing non-compliance will be followed up with parents and students by Assistant Principals.

7. Uniform Supply

  • Uniforms must be purchased exclusively from the school supplier, One World Uniforms.
  • The uniform shop is situated in the rear of the hall and is staffed by One World Uniforms.
  • Opening hours – Thursday 8.15 to 11.15am during term. 
  • All enquiries must be directed to One World Uniforms – Orana@oneworlduniforms.com.au
  • Online orders can be made via the website https://orana.oneworlduniforms.com.au/
  • Orders will be filled by One World Uniforms on the next school-based uniform shop opening day.
  • Parents will receive an email notification from One World Uniforms when their order is ready to collect at the school-based uniform shop.
  • One World Uniforms do not facilitate second-hand sales in the shop. Parents can advertise, buy or pass on second-hand uniforms on the Parents of Orana Facebook Page.

8. Free Dress / Themed Dress Guidelines
On occasion, free dress or themed dress days will be approved by the school leadership team. Clothing must be neat, appropriate, and respectful, and it must be suitable for students to safely participate in the school activities for the day.
• Shoes/sandals must have flat heels and ankle straps (i.e. no slides or thongs).
• Skirts/shorts must be modest in length.
• The midriff must be completely covered.
• T-shirts/tops/dresses must be sun-safe and cover the shoulders.
• Clothing must not have inappropriate logos, images or words.
• The guidelines above apply for hair and accessories unless otherwise stated in the themed day communication.

Uniform Transition
Orana Catholic Primary School will begin a 2-year uniform transition into the new style uniform from Term 4, 2024.
• All students will wear the new style uniform by the commencement of 2027.
• New and old-style uniform items must not be worn together.
• Current Year 4-5 students (2024) may remain in the current style uniform if supply allows.
• Current Kindergarten and Pre-primary students will need an Orana Polo at the commencement of 2025. All other sports uniform items will be purchased as required.
• Current Year 1 and 2 students (2024) can either continue to wear formal uniforms in Term 4, 2024 or transition to wearing sports uniforms daily.
• New students will be required to purchase the new style uniforms for 2025 and 2026.
• One World Uniform will accept clean, laundered, old-style uniforms that can be reused. These will be shipped to various schools, orphanages and community agencies through Containers for Timor.